Saturday, October 06, 2007

You guys are killing me.

So... we had a power outage at work. Work where we have several thousand liters of fish aquaculture. Luckily, all of our pumps, filters and lifts are on emergency power- which is great except that Wednesday was some kind of electron holiday, and none of the emergency power actually came on. So that's ... nice. The fun part was getting to continue the easter egg hunt that the firm who built the system arranged for us. The most recent find was by Suzy, who pulled out of the pump baskets two 2" threaded ABS couplings, a buch of broken zip ties, and a handful of filter beads. I realize this is getting pretty aquarium geeky, but. Okay. So the filter beads... whatever. The zip-ties are tacky- that shouldn't be. But the 2" pipe couplings? What the hell? They were rolling around so let put them in the screen for a $1500 pump? I'd also like to note that we pulled out a whole instruction manner from another canister filter. Sopping wet and destroyed, but it must have been in there for months. Oh, and Friday morning I found that a small submersible pump had a big plastic sticker jammed in the intake. The best part is that it was a sticker FROM THE PUMP! Who puts sticker with water soluable adhesive on a submersible pump? Why do they hate me and my fish so much?


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