Sunday, October 07, 2007

Snow day.

T's been talking about the snow pretty much constantly for the past week or so. Nothing demanding, just her normal, barely verbalized, constant monologue. Lately though, when I tune in, she's not talking about whatever toy is in her hand, but, "...then the snow comes, and there's snow on the ground, and snow on the trees, and I jump in it and I wear my skis and..." As far as I can tell, this is pretty much apropos of nothing. It did snow on Mt. Hood last weekend, but the mountain's been socked ever since. I have no idea how she found out or what put snow on her mind. But a trip to the snow seemed mandatory. This morning, while K went out for outrigger practice, T and I loaded up the car and went up to the mountain to find the snow.

A find it we did, though we had to go all the way to Timberline. Which was pretty cool, since thhe lifts aren't open, we got to mess around on the runs. T's actual skiing was a limited success. I got them on her for about 5 minutes, and then she wanted them off (Must...Not...Push.. Too.. Hard). Then we did a little sledding. But mostly sat in a snowbank out of the wind and made snow pancakes with snow syrup and snow butter. These are fun, but it turns out not filling, (or warming) so after about an hour, we adjourned to Mt. Hood Brewing for a burger and age appropriate beverage.

I'm calling this a good day.

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